Inference Analyzer

Inference Analyzer

The DS2 Inference Analyzer is a web application to:

  • Visualize patients’ clinical concepts and co-occurrences
  • Evaluate predicates to asses predictive capabilities
  • Leverage predicates to make inferences, find “missing” concepts, “hide” concepts, view impact of edits/redactions

Source code, documentation, and build instructions are available in the SimplePredicateReducerVisualizer project on the SHARPS DS2 Bitbucket site. For a working demonstration, see the Demonstrations page.

Click below to view screenshots of the Inference Analyzer examining hospital discharge diagnoses (using public use data files from the CDC National Hospital Discharge Survey - an annual probability sample survey of discharges from nonfederal, general, and short-stay hospitals), using a Naive Bayes predicate to predict substance abuse, HIV, and secondary malignancies: